Monday, December 29, 2008

You Say Goodbye and I Say Hello

In just a few days we will be saying goodbye to 2008 and hello to the new year, 2009. We can all highlight the important events in this year for ourselves and for the world. Maybe I'll even make a mix cd of my favorite songs that came out this year. There's a lot to think about, when it comes to 2008. It's not just this year, it's every year. Try to remember some of the good things, and even some of the bad.

In 2009 decide to make some new changes. Maybe volunteer more or just help out around the house a little more. Not only should you try to carry out a New Year's resolution, but you should try to make life better in general. Maybe this year we can all make a bit of a difference. A new year is a new start.

To all of my readers, I'd like to thank you for this year. I've gotten a book published, I've written a lot of blogs, I'm even going to be on the school newspaper next semester. I wouldn't be anywhere without you guys, though. Have a happy New Year everyone!

Friday, December 19, 2008

My Christmas Wish

Every year I wish for world peace, and that again is what I've wished for. For just one day, I want everyone to be civil. I want people to treat others as if they were best friends, even if they're enemies. Just for Christmas, is that too much to ask for?
After all, Christmas spirit is about family and friends. It's about love that warms us all. It's when everyone gets together and acts like a family. It's a time of giving, not just presents, but also kindness. All I want for Christmas, is one day where everyone is nice and there's no hate. Just one day. Merry Christmas everyone.