I know I've been slacking, but I've just had so much going on. It seems like a lot of it has been bad. Knowing me, I tally it quite well. Does that make me pessimistic or realistic? It sure is strange how my mind changes from optimistic, trusting thoughts to thoughts that struggle between optimistic and pessimistic. Some of my old blogs are weird to read, because some of my opinions have changed, my writing is a tad bit different, and the way I think now is different.
Isn't it funny how just a few years changes almost everything. Then again, just a few moments change time. Also, just a few experiences change your mind. I'm going through this teenage stage and aspects of my life do nothing but change. Some day I want to look back and be able to say that my teen days made me who I am, and that I am stronger than I ever thought I could be. All it takes is making it through the few more years I have left of high school and teenage life. Until then I must go on.