All right, now that we all understand what shallow is, let's talk about it in depth. Haven't we all heard "Don't judge a book by it's cover" at least once? This means person is better determined by they're personality versus they're appearance.
The question is; does their physical appearance matter to you? Personally, I care more about what kind of person they are rather than what they look like. Beauty is only skin deep and only lasts for so long. Eventually beauty will fade and what will be left? They're inner beauty is the correct answer.
The reason this topic is so concerning to me is because it happens all the time. Today was a good example. I'm not really going to cover what happened. The point is, I was very happy with myself because I realized, I'm not shallow. I'm glad I'm not.
Remember: Inner beauty lasts a life time. Physical beauty is only skin deep. "Don't judge a book by it's cover!"
i aggree with this 1 billion%