Monday, July 26, 2010

Don't wanna be a broken-hearted fool

Relationships. What is it that people are scared of? What am I afraid of? I think the thought of giving my heart again is pretty scary on its own. Once you've been really hurt, it's hard to subject yourself to the same possibility. Since the big, bad break-up I've kept closer tabs on my heart and who I might want to give it to. I have only been in one relationship since then and that didn't last long for reasons of its own. I don't always feel like I want to date someone. I'm afraid to commit my heart and get hurt. But that's the problem, not the solution. If I open up, I could give someone a chance.
Love is taking risks, even if it means putting your heart on the line. I think I need to stop being a pansy and take down my walls. Walls are only for two things; keeping yourself locked up and keeping others out. Neither are good for relationships. I want to find someone I can call my best friend and my boyfriend. Someone I trust completely and makes me want to take down my walls. I'm strong and I can make it work if willing. I suppose this is the first step towards that. I wish the rest of you the best of luck with your "love lives."

1 comment:

  1. Wow. That is a strong message to be sending to your readers. It is a strong, well-worded message. I guess I clearly made the right decision to follow this blog.
