I am Andee. I, like anyone else, have my own set of morals, values, opinions, ect. My morals, opinions, and values may be different from yours, but who are you to judge me? One of my goals in life is to eliminate my own judgmental feelings towards others. Easily, one can be less judgmental by being educated. I advise that everyone take a sociology and/or psychology class to get a better understanding of different cultures, individuals, races, ect. Additionally, one can become educated by getting to know people before they judge them. Secondly, you can eliminate judgment by just having the will-power to not judge people. You know, the golden rule, “treat others as you’d like to be treated.” I think it’s fairly simple manners.
So let’s get down to what happened today. If you couldn’t tell, I’m steaming about this topic. I went to a doctor’s appointment, pretty normal right? I may be assuming here, but I’m pretty sure when you go to the doctor’s office, it’s not really expected to hear the nurse talk bad about you. Am I wrong here? Anyway, what the nurse said was not exactly appropriate since it had to do with the medical reason I was visiting the doctor, and it was rude comments about my let’s call it “condition.” What she said and why she said it is not important for this discussion other than she didn’t agree with my morals/values. Still, she has no right to judge me because A) she doesn’t know me and B) she should not be talking about a patient to other people who are not directly involved with my visit, let alone where everyone in the office can hear her! I was in a room and could hear her. If you’re in any kind of field, especially the medical field, your job is to practice medicine (or whatever) and not judge your patients for any reason. That’s just what I think.
So the moral of the story is; don’t judge others. I’m so tired of living in such a hateful, judgmental world. I am an individual, just like anyone else. I have feelings and I get hurt. Why can’t we just put a stop to this and work together to make the world more accepting? I’m going to have to quote John Lennon because maybe “…I’m dreamer, but I’m not the only one. I hope someday you’ll join us, and the world will be as one.” And I do hope that, because I want a better future for the generations to come. So next time, do yourself and others a favor; think before you judge someone and act accordingly.
Judge Not Lest Ye Be Judged! probably the only time you will see me quote the bible.