Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Take an inch, I'll give you a mile

I've always been the one to try really hard to make things work out perfectly. This eventually leads to disappointment and frustration. I make plans, but they never work. I'm to the point where I just say "fuck it!" Whatever happens, happens. I'll deal.
And for friendships... you know who you are. I'm done with trying so hard to make our friendship work. I'm done giving effort that in the end is wasted. "We never hang out." To hell with that and you, I tried. I give up on this because friendships or any relationships are two sided. It should be 50/50. I feel like its 80/20. And you aren't giving the 80%.
I'm not a quitter, I never have been. I always try my best and I'm a go-getter, but this just doesn't work for me. I'm tired of trying and getting nowhere. This isn't a failure, it's doing what's best for me. That's okay with me, I'll deal with it. I have better friends anyway, meaning I don't need you. Have a great life. =]

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